Wednesday 16 March 2011

God erases out past

This is a story of a woman who decided to end her life in the sea.  She did not want to live anymore in this world.  But before doing so, she slowly walked along the deserted beach to say good bye to the world with her eyes filled with tears.  Suddenly her inner voice said: “Look back!”  She did look back and saw her own footprints.  While she watched sadly a wave came across the sand and erased the footprints.  Then her inner voice seemed to say: “As that wave erased your footprints, so I will erase your past”.  That was a starting point of a new life for her life.  God erases our past.  All that God remembers, is our present moment.


  1. Hi Delasal
    I really appreciate your effort and sharing with us this beautiful story. I think this will inspire people to look at their lives with positive outlook.

  2. Very true Indeed beautiful story which inspired me. We should never dwell on our past and make life miserable, instead try to focus on the present and make life beautiful.
