Thursday 14 April 2011

Mighty Tree & A Tender Plant

There was a huge tree in a small forest and by its side was a little plant. The tree was proud and haughty because of its large size. The tree called the plant and said, “I have been watching you for long. You are tiny. Why do you not spread your roots and grow big like me, so that you could be stable and strong like me?” The plant replied, “I’m quite comfortable with my size. I feel I’m safe and stable."  The tree laughed aloud and said, "Look at my size and see my roots that are spread so deep on earth. Nothing could shake me. Ten men together cannot uproot me. But you are so small and tender that one can pluck you away with two fingers.”

The plant did feel offended. It thought time would answer the question who is strong and who is weak. A few days later there was a very heavy storm. It uprooted all the big trees and destroyed the forest. When the storm had passed; people from the nearby villages entered the forest to survey the damage and to use the fallen trees. The mighty trees were lying on the ground with all roots facing the sky and leaves scattered on the ground. But the small plants, though shaken by the hurricane, were not uprooted. In a day or two they stood erect and new leaves started sprouting in them. They were stable even though they were feeble.

The villagers cut the trunks and branches of the trees for firewood. But they took care of the small plants which, they know, would grow up and build the forest once again. 

Big or small, God creates everything with a purpose.

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